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Sign up today to be a part of Kujo's Community Centre.

A Kujo Membership Kit includes:

1. Quarterly newsletter with themed activities,
show updates, experiments, recipes and more!

2. Special colouring and activity pages that keep
children and parents busy!

3. The chance to register for contests featuring cool
prizes, events, personal Zoom meeting with Kujo, and more!

4. Personalized digital autograph from Kujo.

5. Early access to LIVE virtual chats and special events.

6. An invitation to feature your child's artwork, questions and feedback on our website!

FREE Access to learning materials per episode on the
Hey, Kujo! Page.

Available FREE for the first 6 months of your subscription!


Check out Kujo's Winter Newsletter!

You'll find lots of interesting things to do and learn about snow, make some
Puff Puffs for Kwanzaa, and enjoy some Kujo colouring activity pages!

Download now for FREE!

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